Why Do Track Shoes Have Spikes?

Why Do Track Shoes Have Spikes?

Why Do Track Shoes Have Spikes?

Athletes wear track spikes in track & field during competition and practice.

Shoes for track allow athletes to run their fastest and jump to their best marks, making them very popular in the athletics world.

But, why do track shoes have spikes?

In this article, we will answer this and give some context so you know why spikes are important for track athletes.

why do track shoes have spikes

Spikes Increase Grip & Traction

Track shoes have spikes because spikes give athletes better grip and traction when running and jumping. Having good traction in your track shoes is essential for a few reasons.

#1 - Good Grip Improves Performance

Spikes for track shoes stick into the track, allowing the athlete to grip the ground and apply large forces.

Performance in every track & field event is limited by the athlete's ability to generate force, and having slippery shoes would be disastrous for athletes who want to sprint fast or jump well.

#2 - Traction Prevents Movement Inhibition

If your brain senses that you are on unstable or slippery ground, it will downregulate your ability to produce force, causing movement inhibition.

This same process occurs if you train on an unstable surface, such as a bosu ball or a foam pad. Similarly, your brain will inhibit your movement after you have been injured.

This inhibition is your brain's way of trying to protect the body but hurts your performance by limiting your ability to produce force.

To be as forceful as possible when you run or jump, wear a pair of track spikes 

#3 - Spikes Prevent Injury From Slips And Falls

Track & field is a relatively safe sport, but one of the risks involved is slipping or falling.

When competing in events like the 200-meter dash, athletes sprint at a high velocity on the turn, fighting to stay in the turn and not fly out of their lane. Sprinting spikes help athletes run fast around the track without losing their footing.

Similarly, outdoor track & field meets can see weather conditions change drastically. When the track gets wet with rain, the synthetic rubber that makes up the track can become quite slick.

Track spikes help athletes in rainy conditions, allowing them to grip the ground regardless of the weather.


In conclusion, track shoes have spikes so that athletes in track & field can compete in their events without worrying about gripping the track.

Track spikes penetrate the track surface so athletes can apply large amounts of force to the ground, perform well without movement inhibition, and prevent slips and falls whether it is dry or wet outside.

If you're looking for a way to boost your workout performance regardless of whether or not you compete in track, a quality pair of track spikes is worth trying out!

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